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2005-09-30 17:19
I'm still using xoblite and still waiting for tearoff/pindown menus :P

2005-09-30 12:54
qwilk.. i used bblean for a week.. as soon as the azureus icon started to show in xoblite (which u graciously fixed as soon as i asked) i switched right back. the only reason im not using it now is that my windows xp install disk has some kinda wired thing going on with popout messages sliding in and out from the side of the screen until i get a reliable install that im sure is trojan/backdoor free .. or a bigger HDD so i can dual boot.. ill leave linux. Anyone who knows me though knows ill likely switch back next week just cause im like that. btw.. nice to know ur around karl. ive missed ya buddy.

2005-09-30 12:33
U r very welcome, Karl - and I mean every word :)

2005-09-30 10:40
...just to clarify, my post was just to confirm crowmag's "OK, NEXT" comment below... Thanks though Pete, I appreciate it! :D

2005-09-30 07:33
BBLean is fully open-source, is it not? Anyone could potentially pick up the reins. :)

2005-09-30 07:08
I LOVE xob 2 - commented thus many times on various sites, I even use it quite often. I'm ashamed to say I can't permanently switch cause I use bbstylemaker too much... But xob IS full of unique and advanced options, no doubt about that...

2005-09-30 06:45
Same subject: xoblite bb2, anyone? (it's full of unique advanced functionality that no one ever seem to be using or mentioning)

2005-09-30 03:51
Knowing gris, I'd say he has something up his sleeve... But that's imho...

2005-09-30 03:33
Exactly, grischka poured a lot of effort into both 1.2 and 1.6, updated bbInterface and created bbIconbox only to have ppl go... OK, NEXT. I imagine it is quite possible he has a RL also.

2005-09-30 03:18
I think that means devs often get p****d off with people begging for releases. I should have made the connection, silly me.

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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