nc-17 2005-10-02 07:14 lostinthebox was just transferring hosts, itll be up soon once we upload the files and import the db... bb4win.org was targetted by some bored kids i guess. flattered though that its deemed popular enough! theres prolly someone out there who doesnt like us no matter how insipid it would seem.
guest 2005-10-02 03:56 bb4win.org was down, lostinthebox.com is still down. Does anyone in the net hate bb4win and its community?
captain 2005-10-02 01:15 with the addition of pinnable menus and a fluxbar i think we'd see alot more people using xoblite these days. i want to use it so bad, but i refuse to give up my bbleanbar for a doublebar.
auto 2005-10-01 13:58 I begged for the flux like system bar through the whole beta period of xob =x
Loki 2005-10-01 11:09 Regarding Pikton's comment, I use bblean, because I have both SystemBarEx and bbLeanBar, customized for a gnome-like double bar layout. I'd be grateful if anyone could forward my best wishes to grischka... ;)
auto 2005-10-01 05:00 I wish someone would have let me know this site was up =x
Pitkon 2005-10-01 03:57 Only thing missing in xob 2, imho, is the ability to use an independent systembar... Sorry, Karl, but some of us are weird... :D
Mystoz 2005-10-01 02:01 still useing xob :) will never stop use it!
Tres`ni 2005-09-30 21:50 It was the forum for a long time, what you talking about willis? You think we took up 3660 posts just chattin? :D
xavier-dl 2005-09-30 19:31 XOB doesn't have tear-off menus? Yikes. Hmm... Seems this place is turning into a makeshift forum. ;)