snkmchnb 2005-09-28 13:56 i wonder if it could be something where lostinthebox was hacked because it was running an old version of phpbb?
qwilk 2005-09-28 13:13 ...could it be that the site is lost somewhere in the server box? ;)
Herbalist 2005-09-28 13:10 box thing is for lostinthebox
Herbalist 2005-09-28 13:09 Iget 404 for BB4win and a box asking for my username and password then a forbbiden page :(
qwilk 2005-09-28 11:33 Hmm, what's up with lostinthebox? (getting a 401 error)
crowmag 2005-09-28 05:35 Man, I feel for you peeps. I got so paranoid after last yrs bullet dodging here I went out and bought a small gas gen and stuck 6-2 gal jugs of water in the freezer. Not that that would be of much help should the storm surge take the house... Hope all gets better soon for ya'll.
cthu1hu 2005-09-27 17:39 yeah and they haven,t anounced if my water's drinkable yet. thnx for the fan anyway:)
clovemagic 2005-09-27 15:33 cthu1hu: You must be in one of the coastal parishes. Are you under a boil order? Wish I could send you one of our fans. We didn't have power for 9 days altogether from KatRita. We still don't have phone service.
cthu1hu 2005-09-27 08:22 clovemagic: i'm in southern LA. just got water after 5 days. no power for a month
thewayofzen 2005-09-27 07:56 qwilk qwilk qwilk..