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2006-02-03 09:48
There's a discussion here link on drag and drop and auto creation of buttons in tcl and bbi .. I have done scripts that auto creates buttons.. but never really done anything else with it

2006-02-03 07:27

2006-02-03 07:25
balkaster: Being an LS user since 1998, I'd have to say wharfs and docks are more or less the same. :)

2006-02-03 06:05
[edit] duh, yes, i KNOW bbiconbox supports drag and drop, im an idiot. but you'd need two bbiconbox windows, one as launcher w/ d-n-d, and one for tasks.

2006-02-03 06:00
Pit: hmm, i guess the definitions are pretty similar. i was an LS user for 5 yrs, i think an LS user might tell you that wharfs and docks, while similar in concept, are different animals. I was thking a wharf is a launcher that can house applets, while a dock is a launcher whose icons do double duty as tasks and support drag-n-drop. i understand Nightbreed, but I don;t see how you can script bbiconbox or bbi to support drag-n-drop (but Night has done some amazing things with scripting that i wouldnt have thot poss, so...).

2006-02-03 05:39
Found a great way to get out of a ticket.. Put R2D2 and 3-CPO on your dashboard.. when you get pulled over and the cop asks to see your id? Just say, "You don't need to see my ID, these aren't the droids your looking for" :D

2006-02-02 19:18
flux, look here: link

2006-02-02 18:26
how do you get icons in the menu?

2006-02-01 08:11
Oops, gave the link to an oldest dock. The newest is here link

2006-02-01 08:09
Any psudo-dock bar I use is just bbiconbox.. technically it is a doc bar when configured to be so. Although it doesn't support drag and drop a simple script and a shortcut could fix that easily

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