Nightbreed 2006-01-31 16:22 I'm glad to see the source code was included in this one
Nightbreed 2006-01-31 16:21 Thanks for the heads up Pete.. this is one of those features that bbi really needed
Pitkon 2006-01-31 15:31 It can use GDI+ format grafix, cthu1hu, like png, jpg, giff, tiff, the works... :) Plus, there is a scaling option with memory... Dld and read the readme...
cthu1hu 2006-01-31 14:53 hmm. not seeing the new features. maybe I'm just slow
qwilk 2006-01-31 13:24 ...and it's also available from the xoblite.net plugins page, of course :)
Pitkon 2006-01-31 13:15 Lotsa typos... jog = jpg, suppoer= support... lol
Pitkon 2006-01-31 13:14 OK, ysuke added jog, tiff etc. suppoer to bbi. Next step: Spherical objects... Get it from link
Lord E. 2006-01-31 10:04 (I'm) Awfully out of the loop, but that sounds mighty exciting indeed.
Pitkon 2006-01-31 09:35 OK, tonight's the night, me thinks... It's an enhancement on an old plugin, step one of two steps that will make one of our dreams come true... Will be back later as soon as it's uploaded with the link...
qwilk 2006-01-29 14:58 link :D