Dragon12 2006-01-29 08:36 The reason I ask, about E-mail notifcation, is that I have posted ?'s on other peeps submissions and forget who I posted the ? to when I check back. =0
Old age does funny stuff to ya. =)
Malnilion 2006-01-28 20:40 No, not at this time, but that'd be a good idea for this site when its redesigned form is put up (if indeed a new design is being worked on) ;)
Dragon12 2006-01-28 18:43 Is there a way to receive e-mail notification when somebody comments on you submission?
Dragon12 2006-01-28 00:17 Cool, thanks guys.
NC-17 2006-01-27 14:51 Dragon12: prolly best to submit with a png for best chances of the resulting jpg on the server being as nice as possible. submitting as jpg is ok too for speed of upload, but you might want to make sure your upload jpg is as best a quality as possible.
Pitkon 2006-01-27 10:56 Merlyn: Create a switch button to show/hide the menu
cthu1hu 2006-01-27 10:55 dragon12: jpeg definitely
Merlyn 2006-01-27 09:43 How can I make bbInterfaace have a button that shows a menu that I make in .rc?
Dragon12 2006-01-27 09:27 What would be better to submit with? JPEG, PNG, BMP or some other format?
Lord E. 2006-01-26 07:33 I don't think that's the case.