peter 2006-02-10 16:41 thanks pikton and crowmag :-)
Pitkon 2006-02-10 09:50 U r absolutely right, crow, but I figured Peter needed some hints on what each element does...
crowmag 2006-02-10 09:15 @peter, In bbLean's menu: ..Configuration --> Menus --> Show Bro@ms.
Pitkon 2006-02-10 01:34 Peter: it is included in BBLean's docs - at least most of it...
peter 2006-02-09 13:50 may be a dumb question: where can i find a bbinterface bro@m list ?
SB 2006-02-09 09:21 I found some tut. in the forum
SB 2006-02-09 09:18 1 more questions. Are there a good tutorial for bbLean? for example i don't know how can i move my tray. or can i place icons into my desktop etc... thx
SB 2006-02-09 09:15 for example i want to see what are currently playing my winamp
Nightbreed 2006-02-09 09:08 that's a very vague question SB. Especially without mentioning what you are trying to accomplish with the plugins
SB 2006-02-09 09:01 Hi. What are the best plugins?