doctorfrog 2006-04-07 22:13 @Nightbreed: thanks for trying! Let us know if you get any other ideas.
ZenLC 2006-04-07 16:46 I'm having the same problem with iTunes :(. It also shows up on the "Get Info" dialog, which is needed for editing tags.
Tres`ni 2006-04-07 15:28 Schmots: It used to be standard for people to open the about plugins box, but not so much anymore... Anyway, the next incarnation of the site will allow uploading of more information, right now the only thing that can be uploaded are image files.
Nightbreed 2006-04-07 14:26 no matter what I've tried excluding that window still gets messed up.
Nightbreed 2006-04-07 14:11 I'll use something to see what controls that window. There must be a dll some where. In the meantime, I would try listing all of itunes dll files as exclusions too.
doctorfrog 2006-04-07 11:51 the itunes smart playlist dialog is truncated past a certain length with bbleanskin enabled. adding "iTunesCustomModalDialog" to exclusions.rc does nothing. :(
Schmots 2006-04-07 06:07 This suggestion may have been made before, but I only recently came outa linux so I havn't been here much.. Some people have some really amazing layouts/plugin combinations. is there a way you can have a spot to list all the plugins your using, and maybe a zip of your rc's
Nightbreed 2006-04-06 23:36 which window in itunes was giving you the problem doctorfrog?
Nightbreed 2006-04-06 23:35 I'll try not to break the chatbox from now on.. :p
Tres`ni 2006-04-06 19:12 Semi fixed. Your capitalized letters are throwing it off :P Oh well..