hate13breeder 2006-04-19 10:20 Oh i know, i'm just getting antsy, that's all :P. Plus, i keep seeing screenshots with the iTunes script on it! I'm jealous! haha
Nightbreed 2006-04-19 10:15 but... it's not Friday yet so I still a couple days to get it finished :P
Nightbreed 2006-04-19 10:12 I'm going to be uploading all my scripts when knockdownshawn get's his site going..
hate13breeder 2006-04-19 09:26 Nightbreed, you have the iTunes app ready? where can i dl it?
cthu1hu 2006-04-19 09:02 did you get my email qwilk?
qwilk 2006-04-19 08:35 cthu1hu: The only thing that xoblite does *not* support is wildcards. I hate them. With a vengeance.
cthu1hu 2006-04-18 16:56 crap. my newer styles are not working with xoblite at all.
Purple 2006-04-18 02:55 Just passing by after more than few months not participating..i see thathat you guys still busting asses of styling..keep it up..and HELLO to everybody!
doctorfrog 2006-04-18 01:26 Yes, it works! Great detective work, Nightbreed!
Nightbreed 2006-04-18 00:12 looks like you can leave COMCTL32.dll out of the exclussions just make sure the others have the DLL capitalized