jimmy 2006-03-22 17:18 Done... Tomorrow I'll do the rest, it's time to sleep now (2a.m. here)...
jimmy 2006-03-22 17:10 Nightbreed as always i didn't explain myself well... My intention was to put the link to this site(boxshots) in my site... Anyway if there was the possibility to do also the contrary it would be great!
Nightbreed 2006-03-22 16:53 Here's an idea Jimmy. Until it get's linked here, Perhaps you should include the link in your forum signature
Nightbreed 2006-03-22 16:52 Jimmy, there's really no need to translate it. Altavista and google does it just fine.
stanna 2006-03-22 15:06 alot of nice pretty osX type styles comming out latetly.
cthu1hu 2006-03-22 14:03 yes, nb has an enitre harem to choose from.
Jimmy 2006-03-22 13:50 Ops, I forgot... One of your girlfriend? LoL
jimmy 2006-03-22 13:47 Thanks Nightbreed this is the first time I try to set up a website, and I know that the result is modest... Anyway there is a complete lack of italian material about bb and I'd like to contribute to the bb expansion ;) ... when I have time, i'll translate it in english.
Nightbreed 2006-03-22 13:33 Looks good jimmy.. I'll have one of my girlfriends come over and translate it for me ;)
Jimmy 2006-03-22 13:14 Hi guys, I'm setting up a little site with tutorials about bb for italian users Here
Can I put links to this site, to the forum, etc... ?