Nightbreed 2006-03-22 10:23 I'll have to try and track down a kind of complete flux style and drop it off to bbleanmod's devels.. maybe they can somewhat keep compatibility going with them
Minexal 2006-03-22 06:54 Anyone got "Hello world" style plugin and its' source for xoblite | ... ?
Malnilion 2006-03-22 05:45 Well, they've gotta be out there somewhere, right? I think it'd be kinda cool if a bb4win branch added fluxbox-esque styling :)
Nightbreed 2006-03-21 12:44 Does anyone have a new fluxbox style? one that uses most of the new features?
Nightbreed 2006-03-21 12:40 I like the halo effect. That's one I talked about wtih you before Qwilk.. the X and Y is a bit much. Most of that can be taken care of with simple invert feature
Nightbreed 2006-03-21 12:33 I agree Arthur.. Perhaps a thread on the best ways to add new style features without breaking things
qwilk 2006-03-21 11:49 I don't see anything of interrest to us, except maybe their take on font shadow definition (see 0.9.14 and 0.9.10), which could be considered a bit overkill by some...
ArthurDent 2006-03-21 09:55 Somebody has got to get everybody in a room and stop breaking style compatibility.
cthu1hu 2006-03-20 18:32 they're getting rid of rootcommand? hrm.
dubox 2006-03-20 09:53 fluxbox 0.9.15 released link