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2007-11-22 16:02
That was the same reason I had for choosing Blackbox doc. I still have more interest in the next NEB than in doing anything with bitmaps but there are those in the community that have been wanting bitmap support (and it's not just for the window frames btw), so what is good for the community, I applaud. To those concerned of it using a lot of resources, it seems you overlooked the second sentence in tao's original post: 'All the drawing code is written in Assembler to keep the prog small and fast.'

2007-11-22 15:52
Unfortunately not many people will buy into that, doctorfrog. No matter how much us real folks beg for no pixmaps involved with this shell, all the litestep kiddies will tease and some new face will come along and transform blackbox into bloatbox. *sigh*

2007-11-22 13:01
I'm mainly glad to see development of any kind progressing on this great shell. Me, I latched onto bb specifically *because* it didn't skin with bitmaps.

2007-11-20 13:50
hmm strange, the original skinning prototype had bitmap skinning, but everyone seemed to think it was too much bloat at the time, so it was taken out. I for one would be happy to see that feature return.

2007-11-19 11:19
oh my! *is excited*

2007-11-19 10:18

2007-11-19 09:30
And now for something completely different ...

2007-11-14 08:53
Akselii, also to answer your last question...most plugins have an alwaysontop setting. BBInterface allows you to set each control individually. CTRL+Right click a control and go to Window Options. You will see the Always Ontop boolean. You could also open the bbinterface.rc and find your saved control and edit it's alwaysontop value manually.

2007-11-14 08:49
Akselii, part of the fun of BB is digging through screenshots for ideas, and then digging through plugins and their config files to see what you can do. It feels kinda like finding treasure when you get that perfect setup for yourself. plugins list plugins forum

2007-11-10 10:30
Mm, i have allready messed around with bbInterface plugin (was it called that? :P) Anyways, im wondering if i can make buttons and so on allways on top, and that you cant put windows under them?

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