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2007-11-23 07:43
/\/\inimal got my drift right on the bitmaps, the assembler drawing code could be leaner and faster.

2007-11-23 07:32
I don't think this should have any affect on any plugins, hopefully 80% of us sane folks will stick to using the sane builds. I think crowmag was talking about BBI bitmaps, how you can simulate bitmap skinning on certain areas, like the toolbar. I fear more for bbLeanBar, SystemBarEx, and other plugins that use the normal style syntax to work...with this new BorkBorkLean (or bbCleanMod, whichever you prefer), I think a good 90-95% of all plugins are now obsolete. :(

2007-11-23 05:44
BBI? What do you mean?

2007-11-23 02:48
Another thought - if toa makes the source available (and thus the drawing code), what might that mean for BBInterface?

2007-11-23 02:43
I don't know how toa is going to implement it but, it seems to me that style file corruption could be avoided by having his core read a .skin file which could in turn read a .style file in whole or in part as well as bitmap assignments. At any rate, the .skin file by it's self would be useless without the bitmaps... Personally, while I might flirt a bit with toa's branch, NEB is the branch for me :)

2007-11-22 22:42
I'm more concerned about style syntax chaos and general confusion than about bitmaps per se. It's not my cup of tea, and I agree you'd likely be better off using LiteStep if you want bitmaps, but everyone's entitled to choose for themselves... Btw Soiled, the original BBWinSkin had two skinning engines - one using *box gradients and one using bitmaps. The reason for this was that it was based on the legacy of ShellWM - a bitmap based window skinner.

2007-11-22 19:21
Those split gradients on the NEB lokk HOT. Don't know wether i'll ever use bitmap skinning

2007-11-22 18:38
I once thought icons in menus were the end of the world. Now I can't wait for all the new stuff.

2007-11-22 18:04
gross.. i think i just threw up in my mouth.

2007-11-22 18:00
It's like the term Pythonic in Python - I think pixmaps are unboxonic, if I may use that term. Sure they look great, but if you want 500 pixmaps you might as well go and use litestep. Think about what havoc this causes to styles and repositories like boxshots?

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