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2008-11-04 09:36
thanks Keef bblean did the trick

2008-11-04 08:18
Did you vote yet?

2008-11-03 10:36
It seems to me, it's bbLeanBar plugin. You can change the order of elements in there as you wish.

2008-11-03 09:31
how do I put the tasks and tray in the main bar instead of their own bar? like in this shot link

2008-11-01 13:23
why not try solaris or *bsd

2008-11-01 05:53
screw vista. ill take my chances with another linux install.

2008-10-31 20:22
*pats my vista box*

2008-10-31 18:36
yeah i got a new one. the lady was kinda a bitch though. she tried to tell me that the reason why it died was cause i was running linux on it and that they wouldnt replace anything again if im not running windows. the funny thing is that i dual booted anyway.. and the system wouldnt even BOOT it kept giving me errors that there was no hard disk.. if i left it for half an hour to an hour it would boot again.. until i tried to access the drive by playing music or streaming video to my television.. at which point 20 minutes later it would lock and freeze again. anytime id power it down i could hear the hard drive dying. im putting arch on this box again.. im too hooked on linux to ever really go back to windows.. i only keep a 20 gig partition for my blackberry software.

2008-10-31 18:24
since when does deleting a 32bit chroot you created ages ago that's now grown to 30 gib actually delete your entire home folder?

2008-10-31 12:04
Hope they substituted the broken one with the new for free…

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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