qwilk 2008-12-07 01:33 :D
snkmchnb 2008-12-06 21:10 nice to see you guys :D
thewayofzen 2008-12-05 18:25 expect a couple mid week :) im off monday and tuesday itll give me a break from doing nothing to make a couple :)
auto 2008-12-05 18:11 lol just saying I miss your xoblite styles. I got spoiled not having to make my own for awhile there. Just messing with you.
thewayofzen 2008-12-05 15:42 i did release the last two i made.. they're available on box-look.org but are openbox syntax.. you want i should cook up a few xoblite styles?
thewayofzen 2008-12-05 15:41 auto: what to you mean? im confused
auto 2008-12-05 12:37 Hey Twoz I released something, you should do the same. That way I don't need to make my own styles.
keef 2008-12-03 09:11 i miss a really good sleep...
irish 2008-12-03 08:58 i miss thewayofzen... oh wait hes right there!
thewayofzen 2008-11-19 19:07 i miss jesterace. that is all.