cthu1hu 2008-12-16 10:44 you can do *font: cure for all fonts
popupkilla 2008-12-16 08:39 i mean the format for universal I know it's gotta be about 4 lines of code but i'm lost. (menu, bar, window, etc.) thanks so much
popupkilla 2008-12-16 08:35 whats the format for changing font size syntax again. I dug throught about 10 skins and cant find it. Thanks sorry i'm such a pain in the ass.
unkamunka 2008-12-15 07:47 cthu1hu - so glad to have a volunteer to take over the site maintenance!! :D Seriously, such issues are for bb4win.org, *boxshots or the forum. That level of detail is way beyond bb4win.sf
cthu1hu 2008-12-13 07:36 Your bb flavor list needs some work. boxCore should be labeled as the only branch fully supporting Vista, for instance.
unkamunka 2008-12-10 09:35 ltj - sorry ur name got into the post box inside of mine :(
ltj 2008-12-10 09:35 ltj here's the upt to date site with all the latest blackbox flavours + a plugins list
kastoob 2008-12-09 15:00 @Itj
I use bbclean, the latest versions are here: link
ltj 2008-12-09 12:31 Hi; long time no see, after about 5years i'm bac to windows, and i cant imagine windows without bb so can someone tell me what is the most latest blackbox (or it clone) version
kastoob 2008-12-08 23:24 n__n !!