Mortar 2003-05-16 21:39 Nope, keep guessing. :P
Tres`ni 2003-05-16 17:29 Um.. That I can drag it without holding CTRL ;-P
Mortar 2003-05-16 13:37 BBAnalog has some Easter Eggs too. Can you guess what they are?
Mortar 2003-05-13 22:22 twilight - you can find that style at link
they are for unix BB, but mostly work fine on BB4Win.
Tres`ni 2003-05-13 12:09 Adamas: That style is awesome! Thanx a bazilion!
twilight 2003-05-13 11:13 @mortar where can i find the dementia style ?
grischka 2003-05-10 12:14 thanx tres`ni, next time I'll tell you...
Mortar 2003-05-10 00:05 Nice screenshot AlmostX. :)
Tres`ni 2003-05-06 16:20 Thanx ;) Actually I have to send out mass props to Jaykul (of Ge0Shell) who sent some info out to the Shell Coding ML about this.. Without him, we'd be screwed ;)
auto 2003-05-05 22:21 That was a nice hack on bbdde ;]