Tres`ni 2003-05-30 11:53 Mystoz: It thinks you smell funy.
qwilk: No excuses allowed ;-P
Mystoz 2003-05-30 11:02 blah cant go freeb0rn's style site more dunno what have you done?..;/ is it this f*** firewall crap..../
qwilk 2003-05-30 02:37 Well excuuuuuse me! :)
Tres`ni 2003-05-29 20:08 And why didn't you people use the [url] tag? Now I have to do it myself *sigh* the life of an admin :)
freeb0rn 2003-05-29 13:21 was about to post the working link to my repository but qwilk beat me to it. thx bud.
qwilk 2003-05-29 10:54 m3g is back! -> link
qwilk 2003-05-29 10:53 link [ed. freeb0rn's style repository's new address[
NC-17 2003-05-26 04:36 sweet, dude :)
Tres`ni 2003-05-25 13:54 Look, Comments!
Tres`ni 2003-05-24 22:24 FYI: [ url ] doesn't support the [url=] notation.. sorry.. Comments coming soon(TM)