freeb0rn 2003-06-15 04:05 tresni did you look into the admin thing? i still can't get in, i think i muddled up my username/passwords could you re-email them to me please?
b0rn with a zero.
ironhead 2003-06-14 19:57 make that chatbox ;)
ironhead 2003-06-14 19:56 /me is looking for news / charbox history.... :)
Tres`ni 2003-06-14 13:18 comments can now use the same BBCode as the chatbox.. Chatbox renders it on the fly, comments parse and store.. I'm weird..
Tres`ni 2003-06-13 17:55 Patience young grasshopper
matt 2003-06-13 15:52 i agree with quilk. it would be nice if we could download the styles (and wallpapers).
matt 2003-06-13 15:51 i agree with quilk. it would be nice if we could download the styles (and wallpapers).
owl 2003-06-13 05:02 i'm also trying to get my own site up. when i find some relatively cheap place with some space to put it. i currently have it running on my own machine from time to time. but as my comp is old and crappy i can't keep it up all the time. link
owl 2003-06-13 04:58 all my styles and wallpapers are available at freeb0rns site (check the link on this page). or at my page at devart link
qwilk 2003-06-13 03:05 ...links to wallpapers would be cool too... :)