Inauro 2003-11-20 15:57 downsouth: you should probably check the nightlies of BB4win link or take a look at BBLean link and Xoblite link .
AL 2003-11-20 14:06 RSS feeds don't work... FYI
downsouth 2003-11-20 13:44 I've been in and out of town for a couple of months. I just reformatted. whats the latest and greatest BB?
Tres`ni 2003-11-20 11:32 A3K: In most browsers you'll probably have to do a Right-Click -> Save As type of thing since styles are just plain text files..
Pitkon 2003-11-20 02:20 A3K: Click on a screenshot with the sword sign and on the next screen go to style and click on the blue title.
A3K 2003-11-20 01:44 Select a Skin, and whre's the Link to download?
El'Criticon 2003-11-19 22:21 is there a way to draw border on bbanalog and bbsymon?
Jesterace 2003-11-19 14:03 To do that is alot of manual work :p i'll include the style
Pitkon 2003-11-19 06:41 Jesterace: Since u didn't include the style file to Snowy Evening, I was thinking to resubmit. Can u clear the old screenie keeping the comments for the new submission?
Pitkon 2003-11-19 06:38 Jesterace: Yeah, problem solved... thx!
ServiceGamer: Jesterace is right, use latest build and right click to select vertical