Tres`ni 2003-11-22 16:57 WHAT! No index.html? :-P Alright Alright..
Inauro 2003-11-22 14:21 Tres'ni: wow, thanks for adding me to the links. You need to add /one.html to the end of the URL though ;)
Pitkon 2003-11-22 12:00 U are right, Tres'ni alpha transparency is applied quite differently to different shells - BBLean doesn't even need bbtrans, since the transparency ability is inherent. As for BBLC, now THAT was the ligher shell, but is more or less redundant, replaced by BBLean... Once again, grischka should be the one to clear up some things, since BBLean is his baby...
Tres`ni 2003-11-22 11:33 BBLean and BB4Win are essentially now to differant pieces of code. BBLean has removed somethings, but most were not noticable to the end user. Also implementation of things are done differantly (but that's true with xoblite as well), Try to get one setting to do alpha transparency on all 3 shells and see what happens....
Tres`ni 2003-11-22 11:23 I thought BBLC was on the list. If not I'll add it.. Sorry to all you BBLC/BBLean users :P
Pitkon 2003-11-22 08:20 Jesterace: Tho grischka should answer this, to the best of my knowledge bblean is different, too. No things removed - rather added, I'd say. Some different commands, more options (the ability to move things from menu to explorer and vice versa, for instance) etc. etc.
Jesterace 2003-11-22 07:48 I always assumed that bblean was more or less a build of bb4win with things removed to make it run quicker :P, i never really thought of it different than bb4win really, unlike xobite.
Pitkon 2003-11-22 05:12 Inauro: I fully agree with u... It's the best clone, at least for me... And the features are something else... Plus, I love the fact that pinned popups ...oops, this is not litestep...lol... I mean menus, are NOT on top of other applications...
Inauro 2003-11-22 04:57 Pitkon: preach it! BBLean rocks.
Pitkon 2003-11-22 04:55 Tres'ni and Jesterace: It's high time u included BBLean along bb4w, xoblite, and bluebox in shell used...