Stocker 2004-09-12 07:34 Yes, it's a transparancy problem. About the ":" problem, shouldn't be easier if the box was empty, initially, and the "date:" was added automatically?
Theo 2004-09-12 01:53 the add function from the menu should add the date: not only the date, im trying it trying and the : is allways there... does somebody else has this problem?
Theo 2004-09-12 01:51 when you have transparency on, there is a little problem to click on something, but this cannot be changed
Stocker 2004-09-11 19:44 A couple of things more: that problem is noticed only with transparancy on. Also, (with afresh copy of the plugin) when adding an alarm, ir writes /"date mytext"/, when the plugin only recognises strings like /date: mytext/. Have I missed some config option? Thanks, guys!
Stocker 2004-09-11 19:34 I don't have slit problems, but I can't seem to click on the days. That means i can't set alarms nor see the bbcalendar menu (because i only have the numbers showing up). Any ideias on what i'm doing wrong?
Theo 2004-09-11 17:18 :-)
clovemagic 2004-09-11 16:50 Theo's bbcalendar 1.1 is most excellent! Get it now!
Theo 2004-09-11 08:31 i put up a bbcalendar 1.1.1 so if anybody has the slit problems, grab it here link
sMs 2004-09-11 08:14 using latest blackbox build
Theo 2004-09-11 02:47 sms: which bb are you using?