Theo 2004-09-14 15:11 glad to hear it :-)
sMs 2004-09-14 15:08 ok Theo i have no mo problem with bbcalendar with the slit
Stocker 2004-09-14 06:32 I still have one single anoying bug with bb4win: when I switch to dual monitor (or back to single) the "maximize to full-screen" propertie toggles to true... Is this normal/known?
Stocker 2004-09-14 06:26 sorry - my bad: I am using 1.1.1 version, not for xoblite... hey, i'll make my emacs change the file, tnx anyway!
Stocker 2004-09-14 06:10 qwilk, Theo, NC-17: yes, I was using the xoblite version, but only after checking another bug on the regular one! I'll try once more!
Inauro 2004-09-14 03:26 Wow, that was weird. Somehow the fix allowed me to double post in the comments. Thanks for the fixes though.
snkmchnb 2004-09-14 02:27 done
Inauro 2004-09-14 00:10 Thanks, snkmchnb. If you could do me one more favour and delete my comments under the post... ^_~
thewayofzen 2004-09-13 23:19 apparently there are different levels of access. thanks snk you rock dude!
snkmchnb 2004-09-13 23:11 i fixed it.