Tres`ni 2004-09-05 17:31 The build I made was for Bluebox, but since roughly the same code is shared between Bluebox and BB4Win Core in respect to the desktop, it is possible, doing it for xoblite and BBLean would not currently be possible without some serious modification
el capitan 2004-09-05 14:32 just submitted a style i think should go over quite well with most of you. BE ON THE LOOK OUT!
snkmchnb 2004-09-04 23:32 The Wizard_69: check with tres`ni, he did a custom build awhile back, not sure if he still has it.
looper 2004-09-04 22:46 Possible, as I think moshi's hacked BB to do that. But you or someone else would have to hack BB; no public version of BB does it.
The Wizard_69 2004-09-04 06:17 Heya guys , is there any way to have the blackbox right click menu on ur desktop along with you normal windows explorer running, because when u open blackbox, explorer disappers. Am using BBlean.
gg 2004-09-03 17:20 just 2 more styles, sidewinder, and your domination would have been complete
el capitan 2004-09-03 17:10 make sure the styles go in you blackbox directory under styles. they should show up.
Taz 2004-09-03 15:38 When I navigate to the "Styles" section of the menus, no styles show up. You guys on IRC or something so i can chat easier :D
thewayofzen 2004-09-03 14:51 Taz: place the styles in the styles folder. it doesnt need to be saved as .txt though. Some people like myself leave them with no extension while others use a .style extension. Then u just need to navigate the menus to pick the style u wish to use.
Taz 2004-09-03 14:35 Ok this is stupid - how do i install a BB4WIN style? Do i save as .txt in /styles folder?