Nightbreed 2006-06-24 06:03 next thing you know, you'll throw something in the recycle bin and it'll come back and hit ya in the head
jimmy 2006-06-23 23:29 An evolution of BB? link lol
Roots 2006-06-23 20:19 That link Qwilk's posted is really neat. I would like to see something like that with like bins or something to break up the desktop, like there would be a bin for items to be deleted or things that are imporant.
clovemagic 2006-06-22 16:33 Yeah, I see that. Gary. I'm already pulling all my hair out. lol
Nightbreed 2006-06-22 16:02 You missed a mess load of bbi updates :P ... wb Clove :)
clovemagic 2006-06-22 15:06 Did I miss anything important? ;-P
Nightbreed 2006-06-22 09:16 I think Qwilk's planning on making Xoblite rubbery like that so you can throw windows around..lol...j/k
Reverend 2006-06-22 07:35 Interesting idea, but totally useless to me. Heh. I'm so anal I stack and order everything, not leave it sprawled about willy-nilly. ~cough~
Nightbreed 2006-06-22 03:32 That is rather cool.. Makes you wander if the devels used to work in Vegas :)
qwilk 2006-06-22 03:23 link ...pretty cool! 8)