Nightbreed 2006-07-03 13:27 Thanks Tres'ni... it was drivin' me nuts..
Tres`ni 2006-07-03 09:04 @Nightbreed: Fixed
spammy spam 2006-07-03 06:59 posted in these shots link and link
ArthurDent 2006-07-02 19:56 Wobble: you might be able to work something like that out with systembarEx, because Ex gives you a lot more choices on looks...
Nightbreed 2006-07-02 19:43 It's actually the whole preview on the main page that's missing in those browsers.. FireFox is showing the site fine however
Nightbreed 2006-07-02 19:40 Is the site broken or something? lol.. the style previews are missing and the format's all screwed in both IE and Opera
cthu1hu 2006-07-01 16:03 no, they use the same style elements
Wobble 2006-07-01 14:27 Is there a way to display bbLeanBar and bbSystemBar in different colors?
5vjre 2006-07-01 12:26 test
Tres`ni 2006-06-30 13:35 Please submit requests like that to site operators via email, a link to the styles helps too ;)