Tres`ni 2007-04-23 17:18 Most plugins will work with all branches. A few do not though, if it's on the xoblite plugin page then it works ;)
clintoy 2007-04-23 14:10 i believe so iTiVO...they came from the same origin, bb4win
iTiVO 2007-04-23 10:07 Will all plugins load as they do in BBClean? I might switch :P
thewayofzen 2007-04-23 04:51 you COULD just use xoblite.. it'll work the way you want it to and your eyes wont bleed..
Tres`ni 2007-04-22 21:40 Probably get better support if you post in the thread instead of here ;)
clintoy 2007-04-22 10:00 bbLean_mod 070421 released
new release quits on my system...did all the instructions..dont know why...
frost 2007-04-21 14:16 2qwilk:
plz release new version of xoblite!!!
qwilk 2007-04-20 16:04 Well, give me another five years and I'll fix it... eventually ;)
Pengu 2007-04-20 15:13 Hey guys. It's been a while. Anyone know where i could find a list of plug ins with descriptions? Sorta like on the Xoblite site with descriptions. That would be great, thanks in advance.
cthu1hu 2007-04-20 13:01 I hear this guy has some nice wallpapers.