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CyanLap :: iTiVO User iTiVO
My first screenie of Blackbox on my Laptop.

Experimented a bit with iconsizes, cucumber and borders in this one.

Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style CyanLap 
Wallpaper (recolored) 

dsp_418 Nice style! any chance to share it? :)
dsp_418 How did you remove the border on the frame menu title?
iTiVO Experimenting with cucumber helped me a lot! dsp_418: The style is incomplete (no clock and label defined since i don't use them); i might finish it though. The border, menutitle and menutitle.text simply all are the same color, that makes it appear as if i had no menutitle after all. Cheers
dsp_418 Nope, it doesn't work here, I'm getting a border around the menu title as well... :(
iTiVO here's my code for the menu.title: menu.title: flat menu.title.color: rgb:33/33/33 menu.title.textcolor: rgb:33/33/33 menu.title.font: Century Gothic Menu.title.fontheight: 1 *borderColor: rgb:33/33/33 not sure if it helps, though

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