thewayofzen 2007-03-27 13:48 ive actually had it happen to me and i wondered that same thing about mine too lol
iTiVO 2007-03-27 11:52 Who would want to copy my styles? jk :P
thewayofzen 2007-03-26 15:19 much appreciated man.. id watch out for you in the same way dont worry about that! :)
iTiVO 2007-03-26 06:59 right right.
the wallpaper and colours just hit my eyes and i thought i ought to tell you..
thewayofzen 2007-03-25 13:20 nah dude tahts rellik.. hes got a gsm style as well.. if you take a second to notice.. his is flat and mine is bevelled.. menus are different.. like with the menu titles. Its a pretty solid style.. mine just came about because i wanted something similar but "zennish" for my linux WM...
iTiVO 2007-03-25 12:14 hey zen, some1 is taking credits for your styles on dA, or is that you? link
Binky 2007-03-25 06:15 How do i get bblean running somewhat well on Vista?
Any help appreciated, thanks.
iTiVO 2007-03-25 06:08 I didn't find any apropriate for those colours :'(
TenPlus1 2007-03-25 05:32 Silver and Purple sounds nice if you can find a good wallpaper to match.
iTiVO 2007-03-25 03:11 Someone has an idea for what colourcombination to go next? I had greeen/white, brown/cream and blue yellow so far. Throw in your suggestions!