

Styles Packs


Style Standards 2004-02-06 16:25:49
Ripped with permission from nivenh:

"I've prodded some other shell authors to team up with me on this and come to some common ground.

Essentially its a real hassle to associate Blackbox styles with an editor, and perform other shell integration features.

By using the new ".style" file extension on Blackbox styles we are confident that it will make things easier on end-users to manage and deal with styles in the manner in which they chose.

In the end, it will be easier for everyone to manage styles.

On that note, please save styles with a ".style" extension from now on, and should you decide you want to rename your entire collection at once, please download this StyleRenamer. It can rename a single file, an entire directory, and with a -r switch, any subdirectories from where you specify."

I will be posting an updated nightly very soon, which will remove .style extensions from styles in your styles menus in bb4win to keep things looking nice :)

Comments: 7 story link by: NC-17

evolve Sounds good and that batch renamer will really be of a big help.
NC-17 yup, it works nicely. We think it's something really unavoidable in Windows. Files without extensions are just a b*tch for real nice integration with things. Nice to double click a style and open with your favourite editor, isn't it? :) Remember though, you don't _have_ to use it. But perhaps it'll just make things nicer and easier in the long run. I don't see any loss, only gain - besides, the extension won't be showing in the menus and looking ugly :)
Pitkon I am a bit confused. I always saved my styles with a txt extension and opened them with my favorite editor, anyway. And what about boxes for *nix? Will they be able to recognize the extension? And why such a long extension? Why not plain .sty? Anyway, I am always for new things and standardization has hit Blackbox. Perhaps it was time.
NC-17 unix boxes dont need to recognize the extension. they use headers inside the file to realise its plain text. that's why windows needs an .ext, cause it doesn't use this method. .style was picked because of it's descriptiveness.
Pitkon Thanx for clearing things up, NC-17; unix boxes: stupid of me... lol
qwilk Hmm, is that really true? I would assume that the *nix boxes use the filename to set the menu item title as well? If so, adding .style will look slightly fugly in *nix. Nonetheless, I've added the two necessary "extension removal" lines to my xoblite bb2 beta as well :)
NC-17 yes, unix doesnt need extensions for everything. executables have no extensions, READMEs have no extenions, etc, etc... so yeah, it'd look fugly in nix, but u can have separate nix download or they can rename it themselves

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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