

Styles Packs


BBLean 1.10 2004-01-09 22:22:33
grischka released BBLean 1.10! All the new changes to the core can be found at the documentation page. Of note is the release of BBLeanBar, BBLeanBar is a replacement toolbar for BBLean that offers up a more fluxbox-like toolbar. There is no documentation on this plugin and I am uncertain if this plugin will work with BB4Win or xoblite. Also grischka did some work on BBWinSkin and has release BBLeanSkin. There are no changes mentioned in the Readme file so I don't know what to tell you is differant, sorry :) Agian I am not sure if this plugin will work with BB4Win or xoblite, both of these are only available by downloading BBLean.

The release of BBStyleMaker has also happened. It states on the site though that this program requires BBLean 1.10, so all you BB4Win and xoblite-ers are going to have to stick to Notepad or, if you dare, Whitebox. All in all BBStyleMaker isn't that bad of a program. It's easy enough to use, though I wasn't quite sure what I was doing at first. Watching the elements of the BBLean UI change while you are playing with BBStyleMaker is nice, but an option for that not to happen would be cool too. Anyway, check it out, see what ya think.
Comments: 44   by: Tres`ni

oldskull already tried bbLean 1.10, cool and kicking! :) BBLeanSkin now support much more things such Display Properties, Task Manager, Miranda-IM 0.3, Opera Download window, Thunderbird download window, and maybe more. Gonna love *box community more an more :)
mortar :P /me points at post
Pitkon BBLeanSkin does more than that: it supports 16-bit applications, something that bbwinskin couldn't do. In fact, BBLeanSkin skins about everything. And BBLean 1.1 offers more novelties, like draggin and droppin from the menus to Explorer and vice versa. As for BBStyleMaker, it can work with any other blackbox clone (bb4w 0.82, 0.90, nightlies, xoblite) but color changes aren't instantly visible, as it happens under BBLean 1.1. Instead, the user must hit save on BBStyleMaker before he sees the changes made. It's a bit awkward, but still... As for using Notepad or Whitebox as an alternative, if I weren't using BBStyleMaker I'd prefer BBNote. It's a much easier way of authoring styles than Notepad or (combined with colorpad) Whitebox. I'd still vote for BBStyleMaker, tho... :) Thanx, grischka. Looks like u created a near perfect shell, and a near perfect style maker to go with it... Thanx to Azathoth, too... Why? I don't know - had nothing to do with BBLean, but every time it comes around to Blackbox I feel like I have to thank him, too... Lol
Mortar It would have been better if the effort put into updating bbwinskin to bblean was actually used on bbwinskin instead.
xo0m tried out bblean1.10. not bad, but had problems with opera and trillian for some reason. otherwise, it rocks!
moshi great stuff!!! i now use bbleanskin with the regular bb4win and it works just excellent. when i have a little more time i will dive a little deeper into bblean. promised :) thanks a lot for time and effort.
NC-17 it's a shame bbleanskin doesn't look good... ie, like bbwinskin did. with nicer solid buttons and better handle metrics...
ChL But it's more stable and there are less bugs.
NC-17 i never had a problem with winskin and the right exclusions... the looks stop me using leanskin. qwilk and mortar spent time making it look like it does/should imo. i dont see the need for a leanskin when there was a plugin that could have been helped on in the first place... and where's the code and fix documentation???
grischka hm, nc-17, bbwinskin handle metrics was just "dont care what the style says, always take 5" metrics. And the button design is what I found on many *nix shots. So, better or not, it's all relative...
NC-17 lol, fair enough.
NC-17 looking at it now, it's the rollup/sticky/always
on top buttons that look weird. have you tried them solid? how do i get leanskin working under bb4win....
NC-17 nvm, it seems to work now... heh
Pitkon NC-17: Funny thing is, first thing I noticed about bbleanskin was that buttons were more pretty than bbwinskin's... Never liked solid... Different strokes...
oldskull I think diffrent people have diffrent taste. Me agreed with NC-17 at first, but now I get used to bbLeanSkin buttons already. :) Only I more like roll-up button like on BWM (the turn around minimize button). So anyway I like boths work, bbWinSkin and bbLeanSkin are cool. I hope there will be new build/upgrade of bbWinSkin that support more program as bbLeanSkin did.
NC-17 it looks more likely that bbwinskin will be discontinued. what's the point? All the effort mortar was putting in during his little free time to improve winskin seems to have been pointless if grischka was working on the same thing. Especially if y'all like it more.
NC-17 now, i've removed the 'new' buttons, and made it minimise on left, and maximize and close on right, as a lot of default nix boxen. i like the look of it now... double click is easy for shading, i never really used sticky and on top much... bbkeys can do that when i want it now.
NC-17 and uzer working on winskin too, of course. nice if i could edit these msgs ;D that be in the next incarnation brian? :)
NC-17 new windows don't seem to be getting skinned on my box, btw... the ones i open, like... i have to restart to make it work.
grischka I dont think at all that mortars and uzers effort was pointless. They got the thing going, showed, that it looks nice, and after all what are the drawbacks of using the shellwm code. It's the same with books and programs: Take the idea, but start writing the story from the scratch.
NC-17 it would be nice if the source to leanskin was available as it should be so that winskin can also benefit from the improvements which should have been available from the start.
grischka Well, I just I am not shure were to put it, since after an admin played with access rights in the bb4win CVS, I even cannot correct my own bugs there.
NC-17 you should still be able to access Plugins\ and of course your own BBLean\ modules and put it in there. I will make sure you have access to bblean\
NC-17 if there is somewhere u need to access to fix a bug, ie, blackbox\ module, speak to me, mortar or tres`ni. thanks.
evolve I wanted to give this a shot to see what a the fuss was about but wow sorry to say it ran way to slow on my system to even give a go and I still prefer bbwinskin.
Pitkon Evolve: Strange, it's very fast on my system (Pentium 4, 3,0 GHz, Win XP Pro) and works like a dream. NC-17: New windows ARE getting skinned on my box on the fly. Are u using BBLean 1.1?
evolve I got it running smooth and i must say great job grischka (though the toolbar is a little to busy for my tastes). I'm guessing bblean creates it's on background because after i disabled that it was much smoother running. As it was stated in another comment I towould like to see winskin updated to support more apps like leanskin. (feedreader 0wnZ)
NC-17 of course i'm not using bblean 1.1 :P so no wonder it doesn't work. thing is, if it works with qwilk's loader it has to contain GPL code, also because it is a derivative of things. this could also help the existing users of winskin, as plenty of people want that improving. it's only nice to share. i never understood the reason for starting another skinning plugin from scratch... anyway...
Pitkon NC-17: Dunno, maybe grischka had to start from scratch. I think he is the only person who can answer this...
ChL NC-17: And why don't work the bbWinskin-Team together with the ShellWM coder from the beginning? That's not much better. ;)
NC-17 ChL: because bbwinskin wasn't about shellWM, that's nothing to do with it. It was about skinning windows with blackbox styles, using code from ShellWM to see how to do it. Fixes are going both ways with the shellWM guys now.
NC-17 more to the point, the ShellWM guys at the time knew what we were doing from the beginning, ironhead was on their team as well.
kawika bbleanskin works great with 0.0.90 for me. It even skins windows that bbwinskin couldn't or would cause to crash. BBLean is a pretty slick branch of bb4win too.
ChL But they used the ShellWM code and the ShellWM guys contacted the bbWinskin Team. And so it has something to do with it. But that doesn't matter; you know what I want to say. It's because you criticize everthing but your things were not even better. And I don't think that everything grischka did was perfect, but it's not so bad you always want to make it to. For me is the topic closed.
Mortar The one remaining shellwm guy, had contacted me about bbwinskin, only because he did not find it on sourceforge. But it was there a long time and freely availible to him. The only reason he didn't know about it, was the shellwm devs who did know, did not tell him when he took over. Kinda different. I only say this because it needs to be said in response to ChL's comments. As for bbwinskin, I am dropping this issue as well. I was mostly disappointed cause I busted my ass on something that was way over my head just for the community, not me. Now someone more experienced hacked it out in a few months, intead of helping. Grischka does do excellent work, so if it works for you, then great. :)
Pitkon Mortar: I think we all owe u a huge THANX for all u've done, along with qwilk, uzer, and the rest involved. Blackbox would never be what it is without the efforts of u, guys. We all owe u. And it can work the other way around: u can build on what grischka released and offer a newer and, hopefully, better version of bbwinskin.
NC-17 Pitkon: we hope to be able to do that, but it depends mostly on whether gris will make the src available to us. Either way we will try to improve winskin for those that use it. I know I do. I wonder where leanskin would have been without winskin. A little give and take would be nice. Anyway, enjoy your bloody shells! Long live Microsoft! :D
Pitkon NC-17: I don't think gris will hold anything back. And I'm happy that the R&D for bbwinskin will continue. As for Micro$oft... I don't know if I'll drink to that... :)
cthu1hu I worked all night on a style in bbstylemaker, then switched over to bb4win to test something. Re-saving the style through bbstylemaker in bb4win, to my horror, destroyed it by changing all colors to black. It's a great app, but be careful with it! (also, it crashes with bbwinskin)
Pitkon cthu1hu: Didn't u save the style before switching?
cthu1hu Yep. Saved it, switched shells, then re-opened/saved it in BBStyleMaker. All colors in the style were replaced with the word "black", which is precisely the shade my spleen turned.
grischka Ouhje, cthu1hu, you have my compassion. Thing is unfortunately, that bbStyleMaker does not know which style is on your box, when it is opened under 0.90, so it can't load anything. If you ever happen to look to it once more, there is a line at the bottom, which shows what style is loaded. So if this line is empty, it is most likely, that no style is loaded. Yeah, seems you can save even "nothing at all" to just any filename you enter. Maybe I will make next version such that it wouldn't even start without bblean. Really, it is not to exclude users or anything, but there has to be some special communication between bbStylemaker and the core box. Sorry again, I hope that colors come back into your mind once your mood gets lighter. Take care...
cthu1hu Ah, that's what happened. Obvious, now that you've explained it. No big loss, really.
Pitkon U have my sympathy too, cthu1hu... S*** happens...

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