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Bluebox Updates 2003-11-04 19:41:10
News from the Bluebox .5 Front. SowWn has posted an update at CodeDump outlining the current state of Bluebox .5 saying:

-Core Replaced with ATLx
-Nivenh fixed a few issues lingering in the bluebox core.
-Nivenh fixed a few issues with old slit apps.
-Bdde slit app abandoned for MS-style dde server (now built into core).
-Nivenh updated a few small things in bsystray.
-Nivenh spent some time making BWM kick ass. (much better now)
-I added runtime dynamic start menu generation
-I updated the default menu generators to support all the new features.

There are apparently a few bugs that still need to be worked out, though no exacts. SowWn comments that he has been running the test builds for a few weeks now "successfully". There is no update as to when Bluebox .5 will be released. Just keep watching Bluebox and CodeDump.
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