

Styles Packs


I'm Late, I'm Late, for a very important date 2003-08-29 18:13:42
Well, in my wonderings through out life I missed the pleased event of the 250th uploaded screenshot! Shame on me!
The honors go to AlmostX for the Room ? screenshot.
And what has AlmostX won? Well, the news I guess :-P

Thanx to all the people who visit this site, all the people who upload their screenshots/styles, and to my site moderators, freeb0rn, patm, and Jesterace, "You guys rule!" Also I would like to thank the academy for.....
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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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