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BBInterface 0.9.89 2006-06-04 20:29:31
One of the biggest updates to BBInterface I've ever seen got released yesterday. See Lost in the Box.

Hey all,

New version is ready. A whole lots of features in this one... including some new and exiting things that make a lot possible. Can't wait to see what the scripters come up with.

Download at:


A compatibility note: Just about everything should be compatible with the previous versions. However, there is one change that script-makers should be aware of. Previously, you could assign a broam to a slider. This was kind of strange; a broam is not really a value. I changed the implementation of this, which might break a few scripts, but it is for the better. Changes are:
- Sliders now have "OnGrab", "OnChange", and "OnRelease" agents that can be assigned to *any* action, including broams.
- Sliders have "Minimum Broadcast Value" and "Maximum Broadcast Value" properties now (replacing the MinValue and MaxValue properties of broams)
- Broams now have the ability to replace "$BroadcastValue$" with the value of the control they are attached to.
Combine those three changes together, and you can get the same functionality but with a better architecture.


Here are the details, tis really long.
Comments: 1   by: Tres`ni

sMs *thumbs up*

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