ownage... ive been looking forward to this. |
dialup users put some comments on how it effects page performance |
i dont see it affecting dial up users in anyway, the small previews are usually around 3 kb. |
On 56K (regretfully, sigh) and it still loads just as quick as it did before. ~nodnod~ |
#bb4win owns |
...or we could just try to keep ourselves from uploading more than a few screenshots a month, and then only with styles to download. Please note that I do appreciate the awesome creativity in the community, but take a look at the last 50 screenshots and you'll see what I mean. Too much of anything is bad. I'd rather have one really great screenshot/style from an author every month than 5 not-so-great every week... Will 12 instead of 8 screenshots really make that much of a difference? (my 20 cents, no flame war please! =] ) |
...and please note that this was not thinking of anyone in particular, just some thoughts concerning the state of the crackmonkey ;) |
Agree qwilk. I'm thinking lately this site sorta lacks focus. Is it a style site, a customizing site, a place to show off your desktop scheme, etc.. Also, the fact that there's no membership system takes away from the community of it; I've been posting here almost a year and still feel like somewhat of an outsider (though that's normal). And maybe a rating system would improve the general quality without causing too much of a competitive atmosphere, you never know - and perhaps an adjustable filter to show highest rating only. And this site is crying out for a new design (though this minimal is one of its biggest pluses, imo). //fanning the flames.. |
In the long run.. I'd have to agree with you, Qwilk. Sure, seeing what other's desktop looks like is nice, maybe even gives some of us something to aim for .. as far as BBInterfaces go, and such. But, yeah.. I dunno. I think, in the end, my humble opinion is just that, humble, and not all that necessary. ~chuckles, shrugs~ |
In any event .. I know I try to keep my style/screencap submissions down to, at the very least, one a week, sometimes one every two weeks. ~shrugs~ But then, on the other hand, I have more to do than just sit here all day playing with BBStyleMaker. ~chuckle~ |
just to add my two cents in.. another site is being developed by Tres`ni, Jesterace, myself and i think another person or two.. which will be adding membership system and such. pretty much will be designed for just *box styles/news as this site is really intended for. |
Keeping in touch as to what this artical is about. I think the amount of screenshots was fine. Too many screenshots on one page might prompt people to post more then they should and you'd still run into the problem of over posting. |
To add to what snack just said. Yes, there is a site in the works, it's been that way for a while unfourtanetly.. I'll write something cool and new for it, decide I don't like it, and start over agian.. It's a long process. As far as what cthu1hu said about a new design, we've though about it, but none of use are designers (hence the minimalism to the site..) Owl did a couple designs, but none of them fit "just right" for the new direction that we want to go.. So, unless someone wants to do something for us, you are going to be stuck with the same general design you see now :P Sorry. |
...just in case anyone has missed it there is a "style switcher" in the upper right corner of the page that lets you select between 5 different colour schemes for the page, a la desktopian... =] (as for the ultimate site as far as flexible page design is concerned, make sure you check out link ) |
Tres`ni: I have some time to offer in terms of that if you need that type of help. My email address is always avail. |
Perhaps if a poster has a significant amount of styles at one time to post, maybe it should be posted as a news article with a bundled style pack. Instead of posting all thumbnails on the front page the style could choose one representing his favorite in the article. |
As far as designs go, I like the minimalism of this site. (It's also easy on my piss-poor connection, ~chuckle~) |
In a rating system, wouldn't the styles still need to be posted in order to get rated? Or are you suggesting just the admins rate them? If the later was the case that would kind of hinder user participation wouldn't it? |
I like this design / website the way it is. Just throwing out all the flame war material I could think of. With the rating, I like how themes.org does it. The user rates the style and, in the browse section, they'd be sorted by rating, downloads, etc.. |
Having a rating system has been suggested and nixed several times in the past, IIRC. There were some concerns that it would turn the whole scene into a popularity contest. It's a fairly arbitrary way of sorting styles anyway, as preferences differ widely. |
I'm aware of that, Inauro. That's why I emphasized it in my original post. It seems to work fine for customize.org, though. I usually choose to sort by downloads at theme sites, anyway. Like you say, there's no accounting for taste. |
Look what i started :P |
I like the way this site looks now...Maybe instead of ratings, there could be 3 headings under which you could post your shot, depending on what you think it emphasizes...Style, Interface, or Wallpaper. The front page could show the last 4 shots from each heading. So the site wouldn't look that different, but uploads would be more ordered. It might encourage people to be more discriminating when they upload too, I dunno. |
I like that idea looper, especially if I could choose to view only one type. Those huge button bars just aren't for me. :) |
...or the theme switcher could also let you choose the number of screenshots on the front page. Hey, it could even use cookies if necessary... ;) |
Given that the theme switcher uses a cookie... ;) |