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Regis :: Yowesephth User Yowesephth
Hello! I'm Yowwie! This is the first style i've submitted (and also the first one i've done with 3DC). The colors are based off of an evil robot i made a long time ago.

I also am takeing this opportunity to show off a BBI thingy i'm making. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Regis by Yowesephth
Wallpaper Generated 

Pitkon Pretty good for a first try :)
Yowesephth Thanks, Pitkon!
crowmag Nice style Yowesephth, welcome aboard and hope to see some more from you. BTW, what does the BBI thingy do? Image preview?
Yowesephth I have 3 BBI thing visible on the screen. One uses has BBslideshow inbedded in it ( i got the idea from one of someone elses submisions. the other one has two toggling slide. I have a winamp control inside of it now, i don't know what else to put in it. then there is the little tiny black button, which lets you load BBI stuff, just to save time :3
mini-man AAAAH! Yellow! But I actually like it, at least it isn't eye-searing like a lot of other yellow styles here. >< Good work :D
Yowesephth Thanks, Mini-Man. I'm generally not a fan of eye-burn myself... but i still like bright colors. Odd...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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