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Cristina :: Reverend User Reverend
The style is nothing more than my Abyss style with a different wallpaper, but that's not the issue. I just wanted to showcase the modification to my BBDrop script. The additions are rather self-explanatory, I think.. save, perhaps, for the BBWeather one, which is and isn't. Being on dial-up, BBWeather isn't something I can really leave loaded 24/7, thus.. I made a quick access button for it. Heh. Click, see what the temperature, or humidity, or wind speed/direction is, click again and unload it. Huzzah. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Cristina 
Wallpaper Cristina Scabbia, of Lacuna Coil 

clovemagic Looks very slick, Rev. I actually like dark styles too. I never have gotten BBWeather to work, but I haven't tried it since my last reformat. If I decide to give it another go, I may call on you for help, if I may. ;)
Rev I got it to work no sweat, using the html file in the zip for reference. I just use the simple old yahoo SVC file. Even if I were on high-speed, I still doubt I'd leave bbweather loaded permanently. Mainly because, in order to see the 'tomorrow' and 'today' forecasting, it has to be huge as hell. ~l~ Thus, yeah. Clickon/clickoff works wonderfully.
Nightbreed Love the shortcut bar. I do the samething with nWeather, load it when needed then unload it.
Rev I've never tried the nWeather plugin.. suppose I should, just for comparison's sake. Heh.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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