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graphite-blue :: crowmag User crowmag
The wallpaper was done in done in the Terragen 3D landscaping software and can be found here: link , the image is really done in grey scale - I'm using bsetroot's hue and saturation settings to color match it to the style. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style graphite-blue by crowmag

skwire Good stuff. Smooth and easy on the eyes. This is one I'd use for days on end.
cthu1hu So awesome. It's a joy to see so much attention and care go into a style. Down to the clean syntax. And you got rid of the margin around a bordered menu hilite. Been trying to do that for ages. The font elements didn't work here in 1.16. Is that linux style?
crowmag Thanks for the kindness guys @cthu1hu: yeah, it took me a while to discover how to get rid of the margin around a bordered menu hilite, it just expands the menu too much for my taste. The secret is the 'menu.frame.marginWidth: 0' which if you don't use a border on the hilite will condense the menu even more, which I actually prefer so I avoid those borders unless the style begs for it. The font syntax is for Linux or at least it works in Ubuntu and pro'ly any Debian based Linux - I believe it also works in xoblite and I thought it worked in bbLean but since I use '' I guess I never notice. oO
TyKH how did you get the workspaces like squares number 1-4? I've seen it before but I don't know how to do it.
crowmag That's the BBPager plugin by NC-17 TyKH. You can get version 1.25 from the xoblite plugins page link or from NC-17's site link If you go to the second link you will see a link to the 1.3 beta 5 version DLL (highly recommended).
Rhalph Hi crowmag, I'm the author of the wallpaper. If you want, I can send it to you at a larger size (the original render size is 4000x3000), as long as you link to my website :)
crowmag Well heck Rhalph, why not just post your link right here so that others can grab it. This page and all of it's comments will be shown any time someone looks up the style in the future. Since the site I linked above is in French and I don't speak it, I was unable to give you credit directly. Sorry :)
Rhalph Ok, so here it is ^^ (1600x1200, 607 KB) link
crowmag Thanks Rhalph!

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