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BBMail 1.0rc2 2004-04-14 21:52:24
Looking for more plugin goodies for my desktop I wandered over to and noticed that qwilk has released a copy of BBMail. A plugin I've been drooling over now for a year.
Anyways here's what he says...

"This is BBMail 1.0 Release Candidate 2, and as such it does not include full
documentation but rather takes for granted that you (the end user) have some
previous experience of using *box for Windows."

You can grab it at dto

enjoy :)
Comments: 5 story link by: Jesterace

qwilk Feedback and/or comments -> link
Pitkon Thanx for this, qwilk... However, I realize bbmail doesn't work for BBLean... A pity
Jesterace It doesn't work on 9x either
qwilk Pitkon -> link
Pitkon Thanx for the link, qwilk. I will talk to gris...

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