yll 2020-05-05 13:32 Been usin bb an fb styles from yall at least for years now.
\* touch test; select test as style;rm test; restart;touch test; restart */
what are the actual builtins?
qwilk 2020-04-17 15:10 "Gettin' jiggy with it" :D link @xoblite #bb5
qwilk 2020-03-05 15:39 Stepping outside the box. Literally. link @xoblite #bb5
Pitkon 2020-02-13 23:17 Oh well... I had uploaded an earlier version anyway... :)
Pitkon 2020-02-11 06:38 Would anyone mind if I upload the 2693 styles on www.blackbox4windows.com as well?
qwilk 2020-02-09 13:47 ...experimental 8-colour "SuperHorizontal" gradients, screen relative+adaptive manual positioning... 8) link @xoblite #bb5
Tresni 2020-02-08 12:37 Styles downloads have been updated. There are about 350 "duplicate" styles that weren't included.
Pitkon 2020-02-03 02:59 Cheers, Brian! Great work!
Hey, NC-17 is here too! Maybe we should have a reunion?
qwilk 2020-02-03 00:31 It's alive!!! Brian for president! :D :D :D
Tresni 2020-02-03 00:30 Now available over HTTPS