Pitkon 2018-09-17 22:45 @Manoa Please come ocer to blackbox4windows.com and upload your updates there! So glad to see you active again!
Eye 2018-08-18 08:04 There's new Blackbox (for Unix) development at link
Manoa: bbDeleted 2018-07-14 00:24 I made a few updates to bbDeleted and bbDelSysBar:
gcc 4.8.5/8.1 compiler on mingw
new build system
LTO optimizations
and more removed code
blockhead 2018-05-05 15:01 Would you believe I'm running Linux blackbox again, despite no updates in over a decade? D'oh!
Pitkon 2018-03-22 07:13 @Lurker: blackbox4windows.com is very much alive. Have you tried registering there?
@zen Hey, old friend! Will surely mail you, hope you are fine, miss you too!!!
thewayofzen 2017-12-29 15:52 Been a long time.. to any of you who happen to wander through here and feel like checking in feel free to email me at delaneyfearon AT gmail DOT com. I miss you dudes. Have a great upcoming 2018
lurker 2017-10-25 06:06 The bb4win site seems to be broken. I cannot create a new account to save my life. I've spent a lot of time in this place but never contacted anyone. Now i'm feeling this need to be part of that. Cheers.
22 2017-08-19 15:33 22
Pitkon 2017-04-25 22:56 Can't stop visiting this site... The memories, the memories... Hope all of you, my old friends, are fine. Most of us are on blackbox4windows.com now, but if the rest of you ever visit here, remember I miss you and I'd love to see you on our new site. Bless you all!
Pitkon 2016-08-09 09:45 Hey, krazyone, join us on link