ironhead 2003-08-27 16:22 Nice going guys, I like the new site features!
qwilk 2003-08-27 16:19 ...well, I think GradTest is as close as it gets, except maybe handleWidth :)
freeb0rn 2003-08-27 12:43 it shouldn't, wouldnt really be a port of bb then would it? Anyways, we all weally weally want bbwinskin!
Adamas 2003-08-27 08:51 I do use it, but i want to make sure that bbwinskin isn't going to require any thing else, etc . . .
owl 2003-08-27 08:19 and we (that's me) thanks you for gradtest qwilk :]
qwilk 2003-08-27 08:16 ...I notice a lot of style creators are waiting for BBWinSkin... Why? You can check your window styling using GradTest 2.0! link
dubox 2003-08-27 08:08 thx a lot for the helpful links :)
sMs 2003-08-27 08:07 dubox uipload ur latest style screenshot =) pliz
qwilk 2003-08-27 04:18 Apple's X11: link
qwilk 2003-08-27 04:17 dubox: Just install Apple's X11 server, then head over to link , where you will find pretty much everything you need, *nix-wise :)