sMs 2003-08-20 16:42 i gona try the blackbox latest realese thanx tres ini
Tres`ni 2003-08-20 13:40 E0x: Put a & before the plugin in your plugins.rc
Tres`ni 2003-08-20 13:40 sMs: You might need a nightly release: link
Jesterace 2003-08-20 04:44 I never think to do it since my styles don't usually have the window borders done.
matt 2003-08-19 08:52 damnit people! how hard is it to upload your style with your screenshot?! We need new styles! ;)
E0x 2003-08-19 08:20 i have the bbslit but i dont how put my stuff in slit mode, any doc ?
sMs 2003-08-18 14:38 doesnt work to me the new BBsysmom, it says something about an error
auto 2003-08-17 20:21 ill just add it to the many things ive broken this week, had a streak of bad luck ;]
Tres`ni 2003-08-17 20:08 auto: you broke the chatbox you silly monkey! Oh well, I'll fix it when I get bored :-)
auto 2003-08-16 21:07 multifate: send me a email and ill send it over - jason@coldcontagious.com