tzils 2011-08-24 23:11 hey how do i change back/forward buttons in explorer, is there a bb that controls thoses?
raj 2011-08-24 17:47 weird... Ive never had any game crash because of bbLean (using XP and 7)
Pitkon 2011-08-24 00:55 maaneeack: Are you using Win 7?
maaneeack 2011-08-23 04:57 Too bad I had to undo bblean, games crashing, specifically New Vegas
Pitkon 2011-08-23 04:29 Great to hear you are back in action, maaneeack. And do as cthu1hu says, dont use apostrophes...
cthu1hu 2011-08-22 16:25 @maaneeack: dont use apostrophes or youll get the error
maaneeack 2011-08-22 14:13 database insertion error
maaneeack 2011-08-22 13:14 You too, and I am good. Ready to re-box my desktop
Pitkon 2011-08-22 01:26 Hey, maaneeack, so good to see you again after such a long time! How are you, my friend?
maaneeack 2011-08-21 16:10 surprised & glad that win-boxes still going