meanmechanics 2011-03-04 06:10 o_0 working now
phosphoer 2011-03-04 03:35 Thanks, : ) glad it s getting used by someone!
meanmechanics 2011-03-04 01:26 Phosphoer nice work on bbi mod thanks.
Raj bbi itunes mod never load with me I think the extensive hacks on my computers broke something in my windows oss :)
phosphoer 2011-03-03 11:54 And the clock is configurable!
phosphoer 2011-03-03 11:54 Oh man, that s awesome. Much more features than the one I modded. Using it now.
Raj 2011-03-03 10:37 oups a typo -.-
Raj 2011-03-03 10:33 btw, phosphoer and mmechanics, try BBI Itunes mod by Kazmix - it has clock and much more additions like system monitoring. It was buggy on Win7, but Kazmix fixed it recently.
Get the latest version from his website: link
A must have plugin. The only plugin actually that correctly monitors my W7 system actually :)
Raj 2011-03-03 10:24 you can post in Lostinthebox now? last time i tried I think the post approval took like weeks
meanmechanics 2011-03-03 07:15 Thanks mate!Just in time for a new setup.
phosphoer 2011-03-03 03:29 Got it fixed, posted on forums: link