cthu1hu 2006-08-12 13:34 Ah, requires .net. darn
doctorfrog 2006-08-12 12:37 i give up :(
doctorfrog 2006-08-12 12:36 not a good day for frog on the chatbox :( the link is link
doctorfrog 2006-08-12 12:35 full-screen, minimal text editor: link
doctorfrog 2006-08-12 10:19 um, that's 'workspaces.' odd parsing error.
doctorfrog 2006-08-12 10:19 grantpark: try setting "workspaces" in blackbox.rc to "1"
grantpark 2006-08-12 05:04 anybody know how to turn off the virtual deskop feature off on bbleanbar?
Nightbreed 2006-08-10 14:21 Along those same lines.. there's also another Ubuntu release for those interested: link
Nightbreed 2006-08-10 14:18 Once I stop being a diehard Slack user I think ubuntu would be my next choice... maybe.. :)
dubox 2006-08-10 14:01 fluxbuntu "The Lightweight, productive, agile desktop environment.â€