pkt-zer0 2006-08-22 09:00 Okay, only one minor change is required to have icons with a size less than or equal to 16 use the small icon. Is that what you were thinking about?
pkt-zer0 2006-08-22 08:53 Nope, currently not. I'm not perfectly familiar with how that aspect is handled, but I'm definitely sure you can't specify an alternative icon index to use. I'll just try something now, though.
Wobble 2006-08-22 08:03 Is it possible to display 16x16 icons in bbInterface 097? Looks like it accepts only the bigger size
lyrae 2006-08-21 18:03 @ cthu1hu, I do
cthu1hu 2006-08-21 12:29 wish that wall was bigger too
cthu1hu 2006-08-21 12:04 never mind
cthu1hu 2006-08-21 11:54 Does anyone have the font "standard 07_57 caps?"
Nightbreed 2006-08-20 21:56 Yeah, and they should really be "WALL" size ;)
doctorfrog 2006-08-20 20:52 walls that detailed deserve .pngs :(
Nightbreed 2006-08-19 15:16 lol... you're right, I didn't scroll down that far... :)