gv 2007-02-23 06:07 GWJMateo: on Linux you can use dos2unix and unix2dos to convert. These are also available in cygwin on Windows.
snkmchnb 2007-02-22 10:00 done, yo :)
GWJMateo 2007-02-22 08:43 Anyone know where I can find a perl script or something that lets me convert styles from Windows to Linux?
thewayofzen 2007-02-21 19:06 snkmchnb : please see the admin chatbox for confirmation. thx.
thewayofzen 2007-02-21 19:04 GOD DAMN IM A SCREWUP TODAY.. delete link
as well..
thewayofzen 2007-02-21 19:01 will if you could please delete the first submission of MASCIS i tweaked something.. sorry bud i know by now i should be more careful! link
iTiVO 2007-02-21 14:39 Or, the simple way, just dont put it up, i'll just submit it tomorrow again, if that is ok..
Sorry again *goes to bed*
iTiVO 2007-02-21 14:22 Ouch ouch!!
Just after submitting the new style i realised it wasn't finished properly :( Can someone replace it with the file i send him (*wink @ mods* ;) ), Sorry...
d00d 2007-02-20 21:59 never mind. i tried and failed miserably ;)
thewayofzen 2007-02-20 18:49 released another one.. simple with classic useable colourchoices.