Tres`ni 2007-02-24 22:37 I agree, except I still play pokemon....
snkmchnb 2007-02-24 17:08 qwilk: that's freekin' funny
qwilk 2007-02-24 16:23 link :)
crowmag 2007-02-24 03:33 @snk - 8) @FM - yeah, that happened to me on a few styles too, took me the longest to figure it out and now, I can't remember... advancing CRS syndrome :/
snkmchnb 2007-02-23 22:27 check it out, i'm on boxshots via my Nintendo Wii!
Fatman 2007-02-23 19:54 Maybe I was using an old version of Blackbox, but Jesterace's Matinee showed completely black until I edited the colours into the denary format.
crowmag 2007-02-23 17:08 I've used hex colors in styles on my *nix box before with no problem. Other than the CRLF's all that should need to change is root command and possibly font syntax. Maybe it's different with BSD and Linux tho.
Fatman 2007-02-23 15:53 gv: maybe it was just my install, but it seems BB *nix doesn't recognise the hex colour format we use on Windows. It uses a denary format instead. So it's not just the CRLFs that need replacing.
Fatman 2007-02-23 15:45 Awesome dude. You do have one just above the bottom left corner.
snkmchnb 2007-02-23 12:48 wow, i have a style in each corner except for the bottom left.