qwilk 2007-06-12 09:36 I guess with the iPhone getting support for widgets, and no “real†cross platfom widget SDK from Apple, being able to verify your creations using Safari on Windows may be attractive from a non-Mac developer point-of-view. In other words, by releasing Safari for Windows, Apple is adding to the iPhone ecosystem, just as releasing iTunes for Windows added to the iPod ecosystem - a move that turned out to be pretty successful… :)
doctorfrog 2007-06-12 09:09 in brief: link
doctorfrog 2007-06-12 08:31 the rendering engine is admittedly fast, though opera is still faster. the unnecessary chromey interface chews through ram and cpu when rendering itself about as handily as itunes, though.
iTiVO 2007-06-12 04:53 true, true. Someone tried it yet?
I might give it a shot, since its there =D
qwilk 2007-06-12 03:27 iTiVO: You can't compare the size of the Firefox installer to the combined Safari+QuickTime installer. Safari without QuickTime -> 7.97 MB (beta release)
cthu1hu 2007-06-11 20:20 it's another browser you have have to test your html in ;)
iTiVO 2007-06-11 14:43 Safariquicktime.exe 28.1 MB
The firefox installer holds just 5 MB in comparison. The demo didn't show me any stuff that my ffx (1.5) can't do. so, yes, i see no reason to switch :P
cthu1hu 2007-06-11 13:02 anybody tried it yet?
qwilk 2007-06-11 12:04 Apple Safari 3 for Windows beta -> link
iTiVO 2007-06-11 10:14 I wish my English was better...